

A mission-driven company

A hotel that’s fertile and full of life

Winner of Prix des Employeurs engagés,
awarded by Paris City Hall

Rosalie s'est donné une mission, celle de réhabiliter la Nature en ville et de rendre la liberté au végétal d'envahir les espaces, de les transformer et de recréer un écosystème productif, naturel, durable et résilient. En retrait de la ville, ici le temps s'étire et construit feuille à feuille un îlot de fraîcheur au cœur du béton. 

Rosalie défend une hôtellerie et une restauration responsables, respectueuses de l’environnement, ancrées localement et engagées en faveur de la biodiversité et du retour de la nature en ville. Pour cet engagement écologique, Rosalie a obtenu le label Clef Verte pour un tourisme durable et est certifiée Société à mission

C'est un lieu vivant, fertile, un îlot de fraîcheur dans lequel passer un moment à déguster un café local, une pâtisserie vegan ou s’accorder plusieurs jours dans une des chambres.

Hôtel Rosalie - The projet

A sustainable approach

We are firmly committed to reducing our impact on the environment — in our bar, our bathrooms, and beyond — as detailed in our Environmental Charter below.

At Hotel Rosalie, we favour homemade, local, vegetarian, seasonal products. We favour short supply chains in sourcing sustainable produce. Waste is reduced to a minimum or composted, in-room recycling is facilitated for guests.

Bed and restaurant linen are made from Fair Trade-certified organic cotton and all our cleaning products are organic and environmentally sustaina-ble. Even our carpet is made from recycled fishing nets! In recognition of our sustainable ap-proach to hotel and restaurant management, Rosalie is currently a candidate for the ecologically responsible Green Key label.

Hôtel Rosalie - The projet

Reinstating Nature

Rosalie aims to reinstate nature at the heart of the urban landscape, giving plants time and scope to become one with their environment. In collaboration with Merci Raymond, Rosalie has designed a long-term project that allows nature to gently re-appropriate our spaces, find its true place, re-acclimatise in the cityscape.

Our green spaces are pesticide-free, as we employ alternative methods and eco-safe solutions against weeds and insects. This also means we can grow aromatic herbs all year round to flavour our cocktails and dishes! Soon, the wall of hops we’ve planted above the fountain in our outdoor eating area will be brewed into a delicious Rosalie beer!

To revegetate Rosalie’s terraces, Merci Raymond has developed a long-term project allowing nature to The Open Garden has been designed to grow and transform, becoming denser and more luxurious every day.

Hôtel Rosalie - The projet

A local network

As part our our responsible, environmentally friendly approach, Rosalie always shops local: Parisian marmelades, freshly-ground coffee from our neighbours at the Brûlerie des Gobelins, tea from the Maison Kodama, organic bread and pastries from Chez Meunier, rein-vigorating chai from La Main Noire, and herbal teas from our very own Rosalie garden.

Aprons, napkins and other organic cotton fabric goods are sewn by a local Parisian artisan, Philippe Gaber.

Rosalie also partnered with our neighbouring art school, the École d’art Estienne, whose first-year students have designed feature walls for each of our hotel rooms. In the Pièce à Vivre and the Public Garden, local artists are also at work: Pauline Rousseau immortalizes the Gobelins tapestries in photos and Elvire Bonduelle creates the cartoon-style trellis of the exterior.


Hôtel Rosalie - Environmental Charter

Environmental Charter

We are delighted to welcome you to our newly renovated hotel, which just opened in Spring 2022. Right from the begining, we imagined a green thread linking our different spaces and services, forming a solid basis for our sustainable approach to hospitality and our deep respect for nature.

Practicing and promoting environmental awareness is at the very heart of our enterprise. Our highly committed team has put every effort into minimising our carbon footprint, collaborating with the Green Key label to develop innovative practices which contribute to preserving our environment, for present and future generations.

→  Our entire team has been trained specifically in sustainable tourism practices, from environmental conservation to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR);

→  Our service teams have been trained to integrate certified “eco-actions" in their daily routines;

→  We select our service providers and suppliers based on their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility;

→  We provide information for our guests on soft mobility options, ideas for local walks and ecotourist circuits to help them discover a greener city of Paris off the beaten track!

→  Our aromatic herbs are planted seasonally and will increasingly supply our bar and restaurant;

→  We have even planted a wall of hops to brew our own beer;

→  Our green spaces are pesticide-free, as we employ alternative methods and eco-safe solutions against weeds and insects;

→  We donate our old equipment/furniture, when possible, in order to give them a second life;

→  Even our carpet is made from recycled fishing nets!

We plan to perfect and update our sustainability practices on a regular basis, so please feel free to share any idea!

→  When selecting our food, room amenities, toiletries, and cleaning supplies we always go for local, ethical, organic, responsible options, and we buy in bulk when possible. We favor producers, artisans, artists and businesses located in Île-de-France when sourcing our fruits, vegetables, coffee, aprons…

→  We have tried our utmost to ensure your welcome tray is as sustainable as possible, with high-quality products and minimum environmental impact.

→  We have installed water-savers in all our bathrooms (for a more efficient flow) and all our lightbulbs are LED, guaranteeing energy efficiency and peace of mind for our guests;

→  We have installed detectors and timers in all our common areas and corridors to keep energy consumption to an absolute minimum;

→  We invite you, if you wish, to actively participate in this process throughout your stay by carrying out a few simple actions for greater respect for the planet and its inhabitants:

    • your room will be cleaned every day. If you do not want a service, you can indicate this to our teams using the door hanger provided to you;

    • your bed linen is replaced every three days. If you want it to be replaced more (or less) frequently, we invite you to use the instruction disk provided for this purpose;

    • your bath linen will only be replaced if it is placed in your shower or bathtub;

    • your electricity consumption can be easily regulated, by turning off devices that you do not use such as the television, lights or heating when you leave your room;

    • the reversible air conditioning module (hot/cold) with which your room is equipped is adjustable using the control panel located near the front door. The recommended temperature to combine comfort and ecology is 22°C during the day and 17°C at night;

    • your water usage can also be optimized. For example, by taking a 4-minute shower instead of a bath, you save 130 liters of water with each shower! Taking a long, relaxing bath after a long day can be very pleasant. If your well-being depends on it, treat yourself from time to time...

And of course, don’t hesitate to send us any comments or suggestions on this topic!

→ We have installed recycling bins throughout the hotel;

→ We recycle all our waste: several sorting points are available on the property to sort all types of waste. We also treat our bio-waste by producing compost, which our customers can feed if they wish;

→ We try to always bulk buy in order to limit unnecessary packaging;

→ Our complimentary soap, body lotion, shower gel & shampoo have been designed just for us and are all bulk-bought and presented in glass dispensers, in an effort to reduce disposable packaging;

→ We do not provide any disposable tableware — our soon-to-be zero-waste online store will offer picnic sets, drinking bottles and solid toiletries;

→ We have installed a drinking fountain with revitalized water filtered by a reverse osmosis process, in order to provide guests with the finest still and sparkling water, in the restaurant and in the rooms, avoiding all transport, storage and unnecessary waste production.

→ We have set up an annual donation for the Plastic Odyssey non-profit, whose action aims to reduce plastic pollution in the ocean by creating a global network of local recycling initiatives, technical innovations and citizen actions.

→ Even our carpets are made from recycled fishing nets!

→ We prepare vegan cuisine with locally grown, seasonal products, and can adapt our menu to specific dietary requirements;

→ Our restaurant menu features organic and/or Fair Trade-certified products;

→ For a cleaner air, fewer health risks and the preservation of biodiversity, most of the cleaning products used at our hotel are eco-labelled;

→ Our property is strictly non-smoking.

→ We have close ties with the Robin des Rues non-profit that assists Parisians experiencing homelessness, to whom we make donations;

→ We have chosen a local neighboring artisan to sew our aprons and other fabric goods;

→ We have established a partnership with our neighboring art school, the École d’art Estienne, whose first-year students have designed a feature wall across from the restaurant, and created unique works displayed above the beds in each room.

→ We are winners of the 2023 Engaged Employers Award awarded by the City of Paris, in the category Jury's Favorites.

“The “Coup de coeur” was awarded to the mission-driven company HÔTEL ROSALIE (13th) for its recruitment action during the opening of the hotel in May 2022: diversification of profiles by seeing further than the skills and experience of the candidate, while adopting a local recruitment approach to limit travel times and promote balance with personal life. By choosing motivation before skills, the hotel recruited four people with profiles far from employment and from the hospitality sector."